People who are sensitive or allergic to dust and dander will mostly be wary of keeping a dog as a pet. But certain breeds of dogs can be a godsend, as they don’t shed as much as others may. Here, we profile 5 medium-sized dog breeds that don’t shed much.
Remember, no dog is 100% hypoallergenic. While some breeders may tell you otherwise, the American Kennel Club ascertains that no dog breed is 100% hypoallergenic. But yes, there are a few breeds that are relatively safe for allergy sufferers―their non-shedding coat produces less dander.
It’s a task keeping a dog as a pet―you not only give her a permanent, loving home, but you also need to keep it spotlessly clean for your own sake and that of your pet’s as well. But cleaning and vacuuming becomes a lesser chore when you have a dog who doesn’t shed all that much. This basically means that you don’t have to slave for hours getting rid of pet hair from your carpets, bedding, and furniture. It also spells good news for those who are allergic to dander―which is attached to the pet’s hair, and is a common trigger of allergies. Here’s a list of 5 medium-sized dog breeds to choose from―mind you, they will shed a bit, but not enough to cause a reaction.
Kerry Blue Terrier
The Kerry Blue is a lively and vivacious companion who loves to play and frolic around. He has a sharp mind and a fairly friendly demeanor. This dog is medium-sized and muscular, with a non-shedding coats that is hypoallergenic. Nevertheless, grooming is a must with him―the coat needs to be thoroughly brushed at least twice a week, followed by a trim every 5 to 6 weeks.
Mexican Hairless
Also called ‘Xoloitzcuintli’, the Mexican Hairless stands up to his name; one variant of this dog is hairless, while the other does have a short, flat coat. The hairless variety is indeed sans hair, and has minimal grooming requirements. You can bathe the dog with a specially-formulated shampoo when required; but besides that, you just get to enjoy his friendly, goofy companionship.
Portuguese Water Dog
PWDs are highly enthusiastic and energetic dogs who love to play. Their distinctly webbed feet makes them excellent swimmers, and thereby the name. They have a very dense coat, but the good news is that they don’t shed a lot. Keep in mind, though, that they do require regular grooming sessions to keep the coat trim and neat.
Chinese Crested
Just like the Mexican Hairless, the Chinese Crested also comes in two varieties―hairless and powderpuff. This dog is slightly smaller compared to others in this list, but is included for its hypoallergenic quality. The hairless Chinese Crested has hair on the head, tail, and feet, with the body being hairless. Take special caution with this dog, as he is prone to frequent skin irritations, allergies, and sunburn. Otherwise, this dog is a rather loving, affectionate, and alert breed who forges a
Miniature Poodle
Don’t let his looks fool you―the Poodle is a highly intelligent and proud creature. His hypoallergenic quality is appreciated by many, but note that this dog requires professional grooming sessions on a regular basis to ensure that his coat remains fashioned in the appropriate style.