If you’re a dog lover and also a lover of the outdoors, then you know there’s no better feeling than the calm of taking your dog on a hike in the fresh summer sun. It’s a great way to clear your head, and it’s the perfect chance to let your pup stretch it’s legs. Even if you think hiking isn’t your thing, take a chance with your furry friend and you just might surprise yourself.
If you’re currently in the market for a new furry friend, and you too dream of taking your future pup on long hikes through the great outdoors, then keep reading to find out some of the best dog breeds for outdoor adventuring.
Bernese Mountain Dog
There’s a reason this dog breed has ‘mountain’ in its name. Historically, Bernese Mountain Dogs were used as cattle drivers and guard dogs in the slopes of Switzerland. As such, they have adventure in their bones and enjoy getting outside. Additionally, Bernese Mountain Dogs are known for their gentle demeanor. In other words, they’ll get along well with fellow hikers.
Siberian Husky
Due to the Siberian Husky’s long history as a sled dog, they are built for strength and endurance, making them the perfect hiking companion. Siberian Husky’s are also known as a very curious breed, meaning they will likely be just as excited to try new things as you are! Just be sure to keep a watchful eye on your pup at all times.
Border Collie
Next comes another fellow herding dog, the Border Collie. Intelligence and attentiveness are at the core of a Border Collie’s personality. They’re energetic and agile, making the Border Collie a great breed for hiking. Hiking is the perfect activity to tire them out. Plus, it’ll leave them ready to nap and cuddle at the end of the day, aka, every dog owner’s dream.
Labrador Retriever
According to AKC.org, Labradors are an active breed in need of lots of exercise. They are also “famously friendly” as the website states, making them the ideal breed for all things outdoors. In fact, keeping active is vital when caring for a Labrador. Without physically activity, the breed can get hyperactive.
Mixed breeds are actually some of the best dogs for all things outdoors. While of course, the dog’s physical ability depends on which breeds it’s mixed with, overall, mutts make great outdoor companions. Never write out that one scared puppy in the corner of a humane society that probably just needs a little extra loving.
While all of the above are great suggestions, remember to keep your mind and heart open when searching for the perfect puppy companion. No breed is perfect for all of your outdoor needs. Personalities vary some from dog to dog, regardless of the breed. What matters at the end of the day is that you are willing and able to put in the necessary time that owning a dog requires.