If you want to try an unconventional name for your dog, and Italian names have struck your fancy, allow us to help you. We have enlisted cute Italian dog names, along with their meanings. Go ahead and choose a beautiful name picked from this Romance language.
If you want an Italian name for your pooch, seek inspiration from Italy’s beautiful cities like Venice, Romeo, or Pisa. Use these as names for your pet dog.
Italian is a language of love and romance. Its words are music to the ears. Some of the sweet-sounding words from this language can be used as cute dog names. How about using an Italian word as a name for your pet dog?
Abruzzese Mastiff, Italian Greyhound, Italian Shepherd, and Maltese are some of the commonly known Italian dog breeds. But Italian names are not restricted to just these. You could give Italian names to dogs of any breed. Before choosing one though, it’s important to understand its meaning. And make sure you know how to pronounce it. Good for you and your pooch, if the name is easy to say. Also, consider the personality and gender of your pet and choose a name accordingly. For instance a name like Palla which means ‘ball’ may not suit a lean dog or Donna referring to a ‘woman’ will not suit a male dog.
We are here to help you with a list of Italian names for male and female dogs. And we have some funny names too. See if you like them and let us know if you chose one from these. We have enlisted more than 100 beautiful Italian names for your dog, along with their meanings.
Cute Italian Names for a MALE Dog
Allegro meaning merry | Alto meaning tall |
Amico meaning friend | Amore meaning love |
Angelo meaning angel | Apello meaning appeal |
Argento meaning silver | Aumento meaning rise |
Azione meaning action | Balleto meaning ballet |
Bambino meaning little boy | Bello meaning nice |
Bronzo meaning bronze | Bruno meaning brown haired |
Canto meaning song | Caramello meaning caramel |
Carino meaning cute, pretty | Cibo meaning food |
Cielo meaning sky | Cuscino meaning pillow |
Divino meaning divine | Dolce meaning sweet |
Eroe meaning hero | Fausto meaning auspicious |
Freddo meaning cold | Fresco meaning cool |
Genio meaning genius | Lupo meaning wolf |
Marino meaning marine | Miracolo meaning miracle |
Mistero meaning mystery | Nano meaning small |
Nastro meaning ribbon | Oceono meaning ocean |
Oro meaning gold | Petalo meaning petal |
Piccolo meaning tiny | Prezioso meaning precious |
Regalo meaning gift | Riccio meaning curly |
Romeo adapted from city name ‘Rome’ | Rosso meaning red color |
Saggio meaning wise | Sole meaning sun |
Sorriso meaning smile | Splendido meaning splendid |
Toro meaning bull | Uccello meaning bird |
Cute Italian Names for a FEMALE Dog
Acqua meaning water | Alba meaning dawn |
Anima meaning soul | Bambola meaning doll |
Bellezza meaning beauty | Bianca meaning white |
Brillare meaning shine | Cadere meaning drop |
Cara meaning special, dear | Casa meaning home |
Cascata meaning waterfall | Collana meaning necklace |
Colomba meaning dove | Crema meaning cream |
Cura meaning care | Danza meaning dance |
Delizia meaning delight | Donna meaning woman |
Fata meaning fairy | Fede meaning faith |
Fedele meaning loyal | Felice meaning happy |
Fiore meaning flower | Gemma meaning bud |
Gloria meaning glory | Grazia meaning grace |
Guida meaning lead, guide | Libertà meaning freedom |
Luce meaning light | Luna meaning moon |
Magia meaning magic | Marrone meaning brown |
Melodia meaning melody | Musica meaning music |
Nuvola meaning cloud | Ombra meaning shade |
Palla meaning ball | Perla meaning pearl |
Perlina meaning bead | Poesia meaning poem |
Regina meaning queen | Roma adapted from the city ‘Rome’ |
Stella meaning star | Stringa meaning string |
Terra meaning earth | Verde meaning green |
Viola meaning violet | Vittoria meaning victory |
Vivace meaning lively | Volare meaning fly |
Funny Italian Names
Naso meaning nose | Alcol meaning alcohol |
Tatuaggio meaning tattoo | Pisello meaning pea |
Timido meaning shy | Comico meaning comic |
Cupido adapted from cupid | Pazzo meaning crazy |
Spezia meaning spice | Biscotto meaning biscuit |
Torta meaning from cake | Gelatina meaning jelly |
Vino meaning wine | Frutta meaning fruit |
Poco meaning little | Dado meaning nut |
The convention while giving an Italian name is that names which end with an ‘o’ are considered suitable for a male, whereas names which end with an ‘a’ suit a female. Choose to go by the convention or take a different way. The choice is yours.