A tarantula’s first reflex to a perceived threat is to run away, and second is to spray the threatening object/ creature with hair from its abdomen! Most live in burrows in the ground, and are nocturnal. Here are some more surprising and fascinating facts about tarantulas…
The word tarantula brings to mind a big, hairy, scary spider. Thanks to the movies which have used giant mutated spiders with exaggerated prowess to strike fear in our hearts, most people have a distorted view of spiders (especially the large hairy ones). However, there is no better time to clear away misconceptions than right now.
Tarantula does not refer to any one kind of spider, but is the name given to several hundreds of species. They are found in most of the tropical, subtropical, and arid regions of the world, such as forests and deserts. Their color and behavior varies according to the environment of the region they inhabit. Tarantulas being the most feared spiders, this article will give you some astonishing facts about these fascinating creatures and bust some myths as well.
Interesting Facts about Tarantulas
Some species, especially the vividly colored ones, are popular in the exotic pet trade. Their popularity as pets is on the rise, and they are easily available. However, one must know how to properly handle a pet tarantula, and be well versed with the care guide before bringing one home. A disturbing development is that the tarantula populations are under pressure due to habitat destruction.