Feeding vegetables to a dog is also essential to ensure its good health. This is done because they require a large amount of nutrients which are quite leftout in the daily diet. Here, we have provided a list of safe vegetables for dogs that should sometimes be included in your canine’s menu.
A 189-year-old dog!
Bramble, a border collie from Britain was a vegan (well also by ownership). Bramble had a perfect life with a diet of rice, lentils, and organic vegetables. She lived for 27 years, which is 189 in dog years!
Dogs have bodily functions that are almost similar to those of humans. Hence, even dogs need many food nutrients such as vitamins that often cannot be obtained through their normal diets. In fact, many concerned dog owners have now frantically started searching for different food sources that are safe for dogs and provided the necessary nutrients. Many of us pet owners, tend to feed our dogs with wheat-based products, meat, and milk. In the course of this diet, your canine just gets three types of nutrients; namely, proteins, carbohydrates, and a portion of fat. If you are feeding your dog with packed dog food, then probably your dog is only getting chemicals and very small quantities of important nutrients (which are not enough).
Research indicates that long before they befriended man, dogs are known to have consumed green plants to obtain vitamins, fatty acids, and fibers. However, the growth of human civilization radically reduced the supply of the nutrients found in wild plants. And it is now time that we help out our canine friends, and serve them fresh vegetables that contain the right nutrients.
Advantages of Feeding Vegetables to Dogs
There are several advantages of feeding vegetables to dogs. Some of them are listed below.
- Intake of vital nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and fatty acids.
- Fibers help in the digestion of meat and heavy foods.
- Vegetables contain antioxidants, which can reduce chronic diseases.
- Many vegetables also contain phytochemicals that help the dog to overcome aging symptoms.
- Many vegetables also contain omega 3 fatty acids that are needed by all mammals.
Safe Vegetables for Dogs
Broccoli | Broccoli is a very good source of vitamin C, beta carotene, folic acid, calcium. In addition to that, it is also a fibrous plant that boosts the digestive system, and has anti-cancer characteristics. |
Spinach | Just like broccoli, spinach is also a very resourceful vegetables as it provides a generous supply of anti-oxidants and almost twice the quantity of iron as compared to other vegetables. Spinach also contains a good amount of nutrients that include fiber, calcium, potassium, and vitamins A, B6, and K. |
Celery | Celery is a warehouse of rare nutrients that include vitamins A, B, C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. It helps in improvement of the overall health, lowers blood pressure, and may help in fighting cancer. As a bonus, it freshens their breath too. |
Carrot | The tastiest food of bugs bunny is enjoyed, rather relied by all our canine-kennel dwellers because not only does it taste good but also contains most of the available vitamins that range from vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K. Not only in vitamins, but also a rich source of iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. A brilliant and extremely sharp eyesight is a bonus. |
Cayenne Pepper | Cayenne Pepper is probably the best preventive measure for cancer in your canine. In addition to anti-cancer properties, it also contains thrice the quantity of vitamin C. In addition to vitamin C, it also contains a huge amount of fibers and vitamin B6. |
Green Beans | It is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, beta carotene, iron, potassium, and vitamins A, C, and K. |
Sweet Potato | It is tasty and is rich in potassium, copper, calcium, and vitamins E, A, C, and B-6. |
Brussels Sprouts | It is a good source of folate, potassium, fiber, and vitamin A, B1, and B6. |
Asparagus | It is healthy because of the richness of manganese, potassium, copper, and vitamins K, A, B1, B2, E, and C. |
Cucumbers | It can be a quick snack (obviously not with salt!) as it is a good source of vitamin K. |
Pumpkin | It has less calories and also has the richness of fiber, potassium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, beta-carotene, and vitamin A and C. |
There are several more vegetables that you should definitely consider. To know more about vegetables that you can easily feed your dog, you can consult the vet. There are 3 basic ways on which you can feed vegetables to your dog.
- Raw feeding
- Plain boiled vegetables
- Mixing squashed vegetables in normal food
Toxic Vegetables for Dogs
However, there are some vegetables that you should never feed your dog. The prominent ones are onions and garlic. The reason being that both contain a significant amount of thiosulfate, which is toxic to dogs and tends to decrease the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Also, it is advisable to avoid soy products and corn. Some other veggies (fruits included) which can be toxic are:
- Avoid feeding grapes and raisins as they can cause kidney problems.
- Tomatoes are fine, but dogs should never be allowed to eat the unripened fruit or any part of the plant.
- Like grapes, cherries and currants can be toxic too. It is said that the juice is fine but any part of the plant or the pit (covering of the fruit) can cause respiratory problems or kidney problems.
- Though some species of mushrooms can be feed to your dog, they are best avoided.
- Apple is safe but the seeds are very toxic so ensure that you deseed the apples before feeding them to your dog.
Note: Always discuss your dog’s diet with the vet because every dog is different and it will require different nutrients in different quantities. Do confirm the quantity so that you know the frequency of feeding vegetables to your dog.