If your beloved canine friend is suffering from tapeworms, then he may need immediate treatment. Tapeworms not only affect the health of animals, but can also infect humans. This article will give you information about the natural ways of getting rid of tapeworms.
Tapeworm is one of the most common parasitic infections that affects the canine breeds. Usually, tapeworms spread through fleas infested with the parasite. However, they are also found in rodents, and if a dog eats a rodent infested with tapeworms, he will surely get affected by this problem. Apart from the different treatment measures that the vet recommends, you can also try these remedies. However, remember that before trying these on your dog, it is necessary to get a vet’s opinion.
Here are some effective natural methods for treating the tapeworm infection.
Garlic: Sulfur compounds or volatile oils present in garlic help in eliminating tapeworms from the dog’s body. You can use the powdered form of garlic or its extracts. Mix a small amount of garlic powder in your dog’s food everyday for at least two months. Remember, high concentrations of garlic might prove to be harmful for your pet’s health. In case the dog is anemic, feeding garlic is not advisable.
Pumpkin Seeds: Grind whole raw pumpkin seeds and feed them to your dog before every meal. The amount of pumpkin seeds that you can give your canine can range from ¼ teaspoon to 1 teaspoon, depending on the age of your dog.
Wheat Germ Oil: Add a teaspoon of wheat germ oil in your dog’s meal for a few days. You may notice some improvement in your pet’s health.
Cloves: Administering clove powder in small quantities to your dog may help in getting rid of tapeworms as it has strong antiparasitic, antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
Wormwood: Use one part of wormwood oil and mix it with eight parts of olive oil. Give a teaspoon to large dogs and not more than two drops a day to the puppies.
Neem: Mix small quantities of neem powder in the dog’s meal as it not only helps in eliminating tapeworms, but also aids in strengthening the immune system. It has antibacterial properties and acts as a parasite repellent.
Herb of Grace: Including limited quantities of herb of grace in your dog’s food can help in protecting him from intestinal worm infections.
Fennel: It not only helps in expulsion of tapeworm parasites from the intestines, but also strengthens the immune system of the dog.
Parsley: Grind parsley and cook it in water for three minutes. Strain the mixture and store the liquid in ice cube trays. Adding one cube to the dog’s meal everyday can help in treating tapeworms.
Oregon Grape Tincture: A few drops of Oregon grape tincture on the dog’s food may help in getting rid of canine tapeworms.
Cayenne Pepper: Mixing small quantities of dried cayenne pepper powder with the dog’s food will not only eliminate the tapeworms, but also prevent infections in future.
Cat’s Claw: It cleanses the intestines, as it has antioxidant properties.
Peppermint and Cinnamon: Giving a dog the mixture of peppermint and cinnamon in small quantities can help in cleansing the intestinal tract.
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth: Mix extremely small quantity of edible diatomaceous earth (that are specially meant for pets) in your dog’s food, for a few days in order to treat tapeworms.
Other Remedies: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and might be beneficial in getting rid of tapeworms. Adding grated carrot to your dog’s food can also help in the treatment of tapeworms. Papaya leaves can facilitate and speed up the digestion of tapeworms in the intestinal tract. Also, the powder of black walnut hulls can be used to treat a tapeworm infestation.
The most common cause of tapeworm infestation in canines is the consumption of fleas carrying tapeworm eggs. When these tapeworm eggs enter the dog’s body, they hatch and get attached to the digestive system. The average length of a fully grown tapeworm is 20 cm. As the tapeworm lies in the digestive system of the dog, it sucks all the nutrients from the food that the dog eats. Due to this, you may notice your dog losing weight, even though he has been fed well.
Once the tapeworm matures fully, its tail end detaches from the body and is thrown out of the body through the dog’s stool. This rear end of the tapeworm contains the eggs.
The presence of a tapeworm in the canine’s digestive system can cause certain health problems. A few of the symptoms are as follows:
- Weight loss
- Abdominal pain and discomfort
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Scooting due to irritation
- Weakness or lack of energy
- Nervousness
Diagnosing tapeworm infection is not difficult at all and can be done by the pet owner also. If you observe any of the above symptoms, then keep a check on your pet’s bowel movements. You may notice either moving or dried, white colored tapeworm segments in the dog’s fecal matter and around his rectal area.
The usual treatment given by the vet is a drug that helps in destroying the harmful parasite. These drugs which are either injected in the dog’s body or given orally through food, kill the tapeworms in the intestines and dissolve them. However, sometimes the drugs can put additional stress on an already weak body of the dog.
Every pet owner must know that even if the canine is treated for tapeworms, there are chances that they will reappear. To prevent this, it is necessary to take certain precautions like undertaking regular flea control in and around the house. Taking your dog to the vet for frequent check ups will ensure that your pet maintains a good health. Just like humans, dogs can be allergic to certain natural home remedies. Hence, it is best to consult a vet before trying out anything on your pet.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert veterinary advice.