If you are looking for a perfect name for your sweet little Shih Tzu, then friends you are at the right place. The Shih Tzu names given in this article will help you for sure. Just scroll down…
Native to China, the Shih Tzu is considered to be one of the best pets to keep. Though they are not more than 10-11 inches, their name Shih Tzu means ‘lion dog’ in Chinese. They are identified by their long fur and big black eyes, and are found in many colors and shades. They are best for people who are allergic to dog hair, as they do not shed. Grooming a Shih Tzu is required as their fur grows fast. This description itself reveals how cute they are. So, if you are planning to buy or have recently got one then you may be definitely looking for some of the unique names for your Shih Tzu.
A Shih Tzu can protect your house as they are very alert, active and lively. They become friendly very fast but sometimes their behavior is totally unpredictable. This unpredictable behavior makes housebreaking a difficult task with Shih Tzu. They are very emotionally dependent dogs, and if someone loves them they become totally dependent on that person. They may sometimes behave very stubborn and will make you do what they want. They need proper care and they love to stay with their owners all the time. So, now that you know about them, just go through the Shih tzu dog names which suits your pet.
Top Shih Tzu Names
Following are some of the Shih Tzu male as well as female dog names. Choose the one which suits your pet’s activity or appearance as well as personality. Try to avoid names which may sound a bit strong. Apart from the names given below you can also give a name of your choice or according to the choice of your family. For now check out the Shih Tzu puppy names given below.
Female Shih Tzu Names
- Anya
- Bella
- Gigi
- Petal
- Accy
- Nia
- Bitzy
- Cheesecake
- Chi-chi
- Ginger
- Mocca
- Misty
- Maple
- Libby
- Jinx
- Jinky
- Biscuit
- Button
- Poochy
- Fifi
Male Shih Tzu Names
- Admiral
- Armand
- Chang
- Poppy
- Louie
- Scamp
- Aiko
- Maverick
- Toasty
- Teddy
- Benji
- Chester
- Cookie
- Gizmo
- Leon Chen
- Newton
- Lion
- Omelet
- Gomer
- Milo
Unisex Names for Shih Tzu
- Acapulco
- Bubble
- Dizzy
- Gucci
- Mandarin
- Muffin
- Snuggles
- Sultan
- Truffles
- Boo Boo
- Kopper
- Swizzler
- Butterscotch
- Pixel
- Lollipop
- Earthquake
- Lava
- Snowflake
- Rusty
- Sunday
Shih Tzu Care and Grooming Tips
The Shih Tzu is a cute dog and it requires lots of care. Shih Tzu care is very important as they are sensitive and contract diseases very soon. They are very prone to kidney problems and usually get kidney stones. They can also get ear allergies, eye problems and may suffer early tooth loss. As they are sensitive to heat, they require a cool atmosphere.
Grooming a Shih Tzu is also an important thing that one needs to keep in mind. Since they have long fur, they have to be groomed nearly every single day, otherwise they might knot and soon become the home of parasites which in turn might lead to various skin infections. There are several Shih Tzu grooming tips that you can refer to when it comes to grooming and taking care of a Shih Tzu. They have abundant and long fur, hence there are lots of Shih Tzu grooming styles which can make your cutie pie more beautiful and attractive. If you feel that grooming a Shih Tzu will be a huge problem for you, then there is always a last resort for you; a haircut. You can visit a professional who can help you with this task.
I hope the above Shih Tzu names helped you to find one for your pet. So now, decide on a name which you think suits your pet’s personality. Do let us know what you have decided to name your dog.