Fresh pineapple can be fed to dogs in very small amounts because it is high in sugar. It could help digestion and can be a good strategy to deal with coprophagia. There isn’t any real good reason to expose you dog to that much sugar. Read below to get more informations on when and when it isn’t ok.
Did You Know?
A mixture of enzymes present in pineapple, bromelain may contribute to ease symptoms of arthritis.
Pineapples are delicious, lip-smacking fruits that have long been known for their exceptional juiciness. Thanks to their vibrant flavor, pineapples have been an integral part of our diet. We enjoy this fruit, no matter how many servings of pineapple we eat in a day.
However, since some fruits can actually be harmful to dogs, is it safe to give pineapple to our canine friends? Let us try to find out.
Why Pineapples Can be Good for Dogs
High in Nutrition
As pineapples are a good source of nutrition, they can be a healthy addition in your pet’s diet. The fruit contains a great deal of vitamin C, the immune boosting nutrient. So giving pineapple can certainly strengthen your dog’s immune system.
The fruit is also a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin B6, magnesium, and iron. It also contains moderate amounts of vitamin A and calcium. Moreover, pineapples are cholesterol-free and contain very less amount of sodium. With so many nutrients to offer, pineapples can surely be a great addition into your dog’s diet.
Improves Digestion
Pineapples have long been considered good for digestion. They are high in bromelain―a combination of enzymes that help in the breakdown of proteins in meat. They are essentially protein-digesting enzymes.
Since a dog’s diet is usually high in proteins that primarily come from meat sources, the bromelain in pineapple can facilitate absorption of protein. In short, feeding pineapple can certainly contribute in better digestion of proteins in dogs.
Portion Size
Although good for dogs, one should exercise caution when it comes to feeding pineapple. Feeding a few small pieces of the fruit is advised. Pineapples are pretty high in water content (around 87%), hence overfeeding is like to cause digestion problems, leading to diarrhea. Many pet owners prefer to feed pineapple occasionally and not on a daily basis.
Also, before feeding, make sure you separate the prickly outer husk from the fruit. It is observed that dogs like to eat pineapple, as the fruit is deliciously sweet. So the fruit can be given as a treat, particularly during dog training or good behavior.
Many veterinarians usually advise against feeding pineapple to dogs. Pineapple contains lot of sugar, which the dog is not accustomed to eating. The dog may find it difficult to process such high sugar content in fruit.
Also, the digestive system of dogs lacks certain enzymes that are necessary to properly digest fruits. So, considering its high sugar content, pineapple should be strictly given in moderation.
Can Canned Pineapples be Given to Dogs?
One should avoid feeding canned fruits to pets. Pineapples are naturally very sweet and to top that canned pineapples are soaked in sugary syrup, making them excessively sweet. Hence, you should refrain from giving canned pineapples, instead prefer fresh ones to feed that too in moderation.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a veterinarian.