If you are thinking of keeping Eurasiers as pets, it’s very essential that you have as much information as possible, so that you can take good care of them. DogAppy describes the personality traits, common health problems, and the grooming and exercise requirements for this breed.
Did You Know?
Julius Wipfel, a German breeder first developed ‘Wolf-Chow’ by crossing a Chow Chow and a Wolfspitz in 1960. Eurasiers were developed after crossing a Wolf-Chow with a Samoyed in 1972.
The Eurasier, comparatively a new breed to North America, comes in all color combinations except pure white, white patches, and liver color. It is a medium-sized Spitz breed. The Eurasier, often referred to as Eurasian, comes with a double coat. However, it is not suitable for working as a sledge dog and is not used as a guard dog either. The calm and even-tempered Eurasier is a vigilant watchdog and an affectionate companion dog. It is quite popular in Germany and is often referred to as an ideal house dog.
➺ The Eurasier has a long body.
➺ The bushy tail is carried rolled up over the back.
➺ Females (40-60 lb, 16-18 inches at the withers) are usually shorter and lighter than males (50-70 lb, 20-24 inches at the withers).
➺ The tongue can be pink, blue-black (an inheritance from the Chow-Chow forebears), or spotted.
➺ A wedge-shaped head, almond-shaped eyes, and small pricked ears, all reflect its intelligence.
➺ Eurasiers come with a thick undercoat. They have medium to long hair (guard hair) all over the body. The muzzle, face, ears, and legs are covered with short hair.
➺ The tail, and the back of the front and hind legs is covered with long loosely lying hair.
➺ The coat on the neck is always slightly longer than that on the body, but it does not form a mane.
➺ The color of the coat can be fawn, red, wolf-grey, solid black, and black and tan.
➺ The average lifespan of the Eurasier is 12-14 years.
Face Close-up
A Eurasier Puppy
Temperament and Personality Traits
➺ It exhibits the best qualities of its parents, the Chow Chow, the Wolfspitz, and the Samoyed.
➺ The Eurasier is known for its affectionate, gentle nature. Eurasiers are neither timid nor aggressive. They develop a strong bond with their families. They are social with other dogs too.
➺ They bark only when necessary. But they would always be alert. They are reserved and shy with strangers. If a stranger enters, they would bark, but soon, they would return to their normal temperament. Once they know that the entry of a particular stranger is acceptable to you, they would be friendly and welcoming.
➺ They get along well with children, especially with children who have excellent leadership skills. They are loving and tolerant with children.
➺ They have an overwhelming desire to please.
➺ They come with a natural instinct to protect. They are watchful and alert without being noisy.
➺ The puppies are mischievous, curious, alert, and playful.
Training and Exercise
➺ You should be kind but firm while training Eurasiers. They are extremely sensitive to harsh words and ruthless discipline. Being harsh won’t help you achieve anything. Besides, they won’t readily accept a stranger as a trainer. Training should be done by a family member only.
➺ Although calm indoors, they enjoy action outdoors. They should not be chained up. They should be allowed to walk, run, chase, and play. They need at least one hour of exercise every day. They should not be kept confined to a room. They won’t do well in an unfamiliar kennel.
➺ Eurasiers are intelligent and learn the orders quickly. They respond well to training, provided the training sessions are short and interesting.
➺ While taking them out for long walks, let them follow you. They need to learn that you are the leader and that they should obey you.
➺ Being talented, Eurasiers have a degree of independence too. Sometimes, they may not listen to you, if they are doing something interesting (more interesting than what you want them to do)!
Grooming and Care
➺ If kept in clean surroundings, Eurasiers do not have the typical ‘doggie odor.’
➺ Frequent bathing is not required. A wet bath twice or thrice a year is all that is needed.
➺ Regular weekly brushing can keep the coat clean and neat. Brushing helps remove dead hair and dust. However, during seasonal shedding periods, daily brushing is essential. They shed twice a year, for about three weeks.
Common Health Problems
➺ Eurasiers are healthy dogs, however, they are susceptible to some hereditary diseases such as distichiasis, entropion, and ectropion (eye problems).
➺ They are prone to hip dysplasia, luxating patella, and hypothyroidism.
➺ Eurasiers develop severe separation anxiety when kept alone. Negative behavior due to depression can be noticed.
The kind behavior of the Eurasiers makes them good therapy dogs. However, they themselves need close and regular contact with the family members as they thrive on the love of the family. They should be allowed to reside indoors. Frequent interaction with family members and early socialization can help bring out the best in your Eurasier.