Dutch rabbits are popular as pet rabbits because they are both – playful and lovable. Find the details of caring for this rabbit, in this article.
Rabbits as pets is pretty interesting and different, isn’t it? The sight of rabbits in house is very cute. Moreover, kids and adults both love rabbits, and grow equally fond of them. Rabbits make ideal pets for adults and kids above 10 years of age, as adult supervision is required for kids younger than this age. Another interesting point for having rabbits as pets is – the sight of rabbits will not scare away your visitors, as is the case with the barking dogs, and staring cats. If you are planning to keep a cute bunny as pet, Dutch rabbit is a good option. They are small, playful and adorable creatures and thus make perfect pets. As the name suggests, Netherlands is their country of origin.
Country of Origin: Netherlands
Average Adult Rabbit Weight: About 5 Pounds.
Average Life Span: 5 to 8 years (maximum age reported is 15 years)
Varieties: Black, blue, gray, chocolate, tortoise and steel. The rabbits are available in these colors.
Physical Description: Dutch rabbits are remarkably smaller than other rabbits, and are characterized by their erect ears, and powerful long hind legs. Their short haired coat is dense. As far as their body color is concerned the face has a white colored wedge at the center, and the region surrounding the eyes is dark-colored. The body color pattern is also a mix of dark and white portions.
How you behave with your bunny plays a major role in caring for rabbits. These bunnies are intelligent creatures and understand what care is. If you handle them correctly with love, they would be very adorable and friendly to you. They are capable of recognizing the name you give them, and would always seek attention from you. They can be quite grumpy if they do not receive adequate attention.
Dutch rabbits are sociable, and once they trust you, they would shower you with attention and affection. They love snuggling up to their owners and thus you should give them adequate attention and love to get the same in return. Dutch bunnies prefer a day time’s sleep, and are mostly active during the morning and night hours. Also handle the rabbit carefully and never provoke him/her, or a bite awaits you. Pick him with both your hands and keep him close to your chest, keeping one hand beneath his back to support the weight.
Your rabbit also needs some private space and a hutch big enough for the rabbit to jump and play is the best ‘home’ for your pet. The hutch should be some inches above the ground level, and should be divided into two compartments – one as a playing area and the other one should be the sleeping compartment. The rabbit should be able to stand erect on his hind legs and his head should not hit the roof of his home. As these rabbits are playful, the hutch should be large enough to provide enough space for movement. The enclosure can either be kept in the house or outside.
Just make sure that the bunny is protected from direct harsh sunlight and strong wind currents. When kept inside the house, ensure that the surrounding temperature is suitable for the rabbit (in between 60° F – 70° F). The rabbit can suffer a heat stroke in harsh temperatures of summer, and thus maintaining the right temperature is of huge significance.
No need to mention that rabbits are herbivores, and they love grazing on grass and forbs among other leafy weeds. And same goes for the Dutch rabbit. They love hay and grass and should ideally be fed two times a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Feed the rabbit with clean water, and water should be available 24/7. Apart from grass and weeds you can feed the rabbit with pelleted food, which is easily available at any pet’s shop. But do not always feed the rabbit with pelleted food, as adequate consumption of his natural food that is grass, is also essential.
They also love eating Dandelion greens and chick weeds, so this serves as an additional food option, which can be served when the rabbit is hungry. As far as vegetables are concerned, it loves eating cabbage and broccoli, and for an adult rabbit vegetables should form the daily part of the diet. Radish is an all-time favorite of all the rabbit breeds and there is no exception for the Dutch bunny. Small pieces of radishes and apples can be given to the Dutch rabbit, and should be kept in his hutch, so that he can have it whenever he wishes.
Your pet should be clean and properly groomed. Grooming includes cleaning his ears, eyes and nails. The eyes should be cleaned daily with a soft wet paper tissue to remove the accumulated dirt and tears. As far as bath is concerned the Dutch rabbit hates water or bath, and prefers cleaning himself. But if you find the rabbit dirty just clean him using a soft sponge or tissue. Trimming the nails is also required as the rabbits are capable of inflicting injuries with their nails.
As with humans, adequate exercise is also required for the rabbits. A chubby rabbit really looks cute, but it can harm the health of the rabbit and cause problems like obesity which is really harmful. Daily exercise in the form of playing is essential to keep the rabbit fit and fine. Make sure that the lawn or playing area of your rabbit is safe and clean. A monthly visit to the vet is essential to check the health of the rabbit is in right spirit, and also for necessary vaccinations.
If you want to keep two rabbits as pets, the best combination is a neutralized male with a female rabbit. This is because, on most of the occasions, two males or two females rabbits start fighting when kept together. Hope you now know how to care for a Dutch rabbit. It is a social animal and ‘needs’ your attention. Never desert him of the attention, and you will feel gifted that you have him as your pet!