Go east, go west, dogs are invariably the best; and DogAppy will demonstrate just that. Browse through these 50 cute images of puppies and dogs with hilarious captions to brighten up a dull day.
Did You Know?
According to researcher Stanley Coren, PhD., certain dog breeds can understand up to 250 words if trained properly. On the other hand, an average dog can understand up to 150 words.
There’s something truly amazing about having a dog. You will never feel unloved. For dogs, making other people happy is like their life’s mission. They care about our health and well-being, and can teach you everything there is to know about how to enjoy life. They can feel our pain and will provide comfort without asking. Dogs never judge; they just love.
If you’re still not convinced, then perhaps we should tell you how cute and adorable they are. Whether they’re being sweet and cuddly, or devising a naughty plan, their presence in our lives is one of the most wonderful blessings in life. Keeping the lighthearted attitude alive, we bring you a humorous installment of 50 cute pictures of puppies and dogs with funny captions. Read ’em aloud, and have a jolly good time.
Puppy and Dog Pictures with Funny Captions
Cats are non-conformists, whereas dogs tend to follow the rules (most times). Dogs can be easily trained, can adapt well to most surroundings, are affectionate and won’t shy away from showing it, have high energy level, and are kid-friendly. Well, what more can you ask for from a furry companion?! Ah yes, some funny and peculiar takes on what they may be thinking on certain occasions.