Dwarf hamsters' diet consists of many other foodstuffs than just the pellets available at the pet store. Keep reading to learn more about it.
Gerbils Vs. Hamsters
Most people get confused between gerbil and hamster, not knowing which of the two would make a better pet. In this figurative gerbil vs. hamster
Pregnant Guinea Pigs
The gestation period for pregnant guinea pigs is 60 to 70 days. Usually, their pregnancy is non-problematic. However, they are more prone to health
Chipmunk Habitat: A Peek Into the Unexpected Places They Dwell In
Chipmunks belong to the elite lot of animals that have made it big in Hollywood and thus, need no introduction. What's puzzling though, is the fact
The Lifespan of Dwarf Hamsters – Little Bundles of Cuteness
The lifespan of a dwarf hamster is fairly short, ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 years. They are easy to take care of though, and make good companions,
Reasons Why Hamsters Aren’t the Best Pets for Children, or Are They?
Kids adore pets, especially small and cute critters like hamsters. Do you think hamsters are good as pets for children? Let us find out.
Things You Should Consider Before Choosing Chipmunks as Pets
The cute appearance and behavior of chipmunks tempt all animal lovers to keep them as pets. However, before doing so, you need to be aware of a few
The Surprising Answer to What is the Lifespan of Hamsters
Hamsters are extremely cute pets, and this is why they are so popular among all pet lovers. They normally don't live a very long life though, and it
Meet the Teddy Bear Hamsters. You’re Going to Love Them
Cute, cuddly, loving and adorable are all the characteristic features which teddy bear hamsters carry with them...