Painted turtles are beautiful and attractive, thanks to their bright color patterns. Here are some painted turtle facts which will help you learn more
The Dinosaur of the Turtle World: Alligator Snapping Turtle Care
Alligator snapping turtles come across as cute and easy to care for when they are small, but a few years down the lane, and you have considerably
Taking Care of Burmese Pythons Will Seem Easier After Reading This
A healthy pet requires proper care, and when we talk of a pet Burmese python, its care involves providing a large enclosure, frequent handling,
An Omnivorous Diet: What Do Box Turtles Eat?
Box turtles are a type of turtle that can be identified by their unique shell. This article provides information about the diet of box turtles in the
Are Turtles a Safe Choice of a Pet for Your Kids?
So you plan to give your kid a pet turtle? Not a bad idea, but there are a few things that you need to take into consideration before you go ahead.
Everything You Should Know About Breeding Ball Pythons
If you are thinking of breeding ball pythons, then you are in for a tough job. Some information related to how to breed these pythons is covered in
Pet Turtles That Stay Small and Look Cute Forever
If you are a turtle-lover but find it difficult to manage big turtles at home, you can opt for the various adorable small species available.
You Gotta Read This if You’re Planning to Keep Garter Snakes As Pets
If garter snakes have become so popular as pets of late, it is mainly because of two factors: (i) low maintenance involved and (ii) their calm
Crazily Fascinating Facts About Milk Snakes
Scientifically known as Lampropeltis triangulum, the milk snake hails from the family of king snakes and it comprises 25 subspecies.