Bulldog allergies can occur due to the genetic predisposition of the dog or due to certain environmental factors that trigger a reaction. Let us have a look at some of the common allergies affecting bulldogs in the following article.
Bulldogs are a breed of dogs that have a muscular body, wrinkled face and pushed in nose. They have a wide head and shoulders and a short muzzle. They have a characteristic fold called ‘rope’ above their nose. These dogs even have skin hanging under the neck with drooping lips. Although, you may feel they have a reserve, grumpy look, they are very docile dogs. They are very friendly and happy dogs. These dogs are good with children as well as other pets. Bulldogs are very attached to their families and will never dare to even cross the street without a human.
Bulldogs are prone to allergies that may arise due to their genetic inheritance and sometimes due to environmental changes that sets off an allergy. It is very important to understand the types of as it will help you in treating them.
Common Allergies
Many people are often confused regarding allergies affecting the old English bulldog, French bulldog and American bulldog. These are all breeds of bulldogs with different origins. The types of allergies are same for all English, Frenchie and American bulldogs. There are basically five types of allergies affecting bulldogs. The most common symptom of allergy is itching. The dog may also cough, sneeze and wheeze due to a respiratory allergy. If the digestive tract is affected, it will lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Let’s have a look at the common dog allergy symptoms and different types of allergies affecting bulldogs.
Atopic Dermatitis
A skin allergy that affects a bulldog is called atopic dermatitis. This condition usually occurs due to the hypersensitivity reaction to dust mites, molds, etc. Bulldog skin allergies are characterized by excessive licking or chewing of paws, abdomen or hind legs. The ear becomes red in color and may feel hot to touch. You should check the armpit, groin and the region between the toes of the paws for change in skin color. The color may appear reddish-brown and in some cases, the skin on the abdomen may turn, pink, deep red or black. This is a sign of atopic dermatitis.
Inhalant Allergy
Inhalant allergy arises after the dog inhales allergens like dust, pollen grains, mites, molds or some chemicals. It causes scratching, biting and chewing of the paws and constant licking of the skin. You will see the dog feels mostly itchy on its feet, groin, armpits and abdomen area. The English bulldog and French bulldog are short in height, and therefore, are very likely to brush up the environmental allergens on abdomen during a walk outdoors. These allergies are also one of the main causes of frequent ear infections in bulldogs. Many bulldog puppies are prone to “cherry eye” after inhalation of allergens or chemicals; it causes the eye of the dog to turn cherry colored.
Food Allergy
A food allergy is caused by the food the dog eats. Food allergy causes itchy skin, scratching at ears, licking and biting at paws, rubbing the face on the carpet, coughing, diarrhea, flatulence, sneezing, seizures, gagging, ear inflammation, etc. Many dogs are found to be intolerant to soy products, wheat, corn, beef, pork, chicken, milk, eggs, fish, whey, chemical preservatives, additives, artificial flavorings and sugars found in many commercial foods. It is very difficult to narrow down on the allergen ingredient and it may take weeks to identify the cause. Speak to the veterinarian for help related to food allergy and the causative allergens. You may need to change your dog’s diet to get rid of the allergy.
Bacterial Allergy
There are many bacteria that form the normal flora of the dog’s skin. However, a few bulldogs are genetically programmed to develop bacterial allergy. These dogs will develop hair loss of the affected area and the skin becomes infected. One needs to treat the dog with antibiotics to cure such infections. The bacteria that causes this allergy in bulldogs is Staphylococcus.
Contact Allergy
A dog may fall prey to contact allergy after coming in contact with certain allergens. This includes flea collars, grass, certain plants, dog shampoo, wood in the bedding, etc. You need to find out the cause of the allergy and try to keep your dog away from coming in contact with such allergens.
In some cases, flea allergy, food allergy and other parasitic allergy may cause similar symptoms. In this case, you need to check for presence of fleas and other parasites. Check if the dog is developing these rashes due to the dog food fed. If you eliminate these causes, then you should visit the veterinarian to get your dog checked for environmental allergens.
These allergens include dust mites, pollens and molds. A flea allergy does not occur due to presence of fleas. It occurs due to reaction of the dog’s skin to the flea saliva. You will need to carry out stringent flea treatments to get rid of these blood sucking parasites. Flea shampoos, soaps and medications may prove to be helpful in getting rid of fleas and eliminating dog skin allergies.
You should remain alert for the presence of any signs of allergy in your pet dog. If left untreated, it could lead to many serious consequences. A regular check up with a veterinarian will keep your bulldog healthy and free from health ailments.