This article provides a list of names for Basset hound puppies. Go through the list and select a good name for your pet.
Basset hounds originated in France. The word basset in French means ‘low-set’. This dog breed is grouped with sporting dogs. It has a very good sense of smell and can cover long distances in a short time. It has a short build and strong body and loves to trail hares, rabbits, and deer. You need to have good fences built around your home, as this dog can scale great distances trailing hundreds of different smells. It requires very little grooming and a weekly brush will help keep the dander away and give a shiny coat. The long ears need to be cleaned a bit more thoroughly as they are prone to many infections. A long walk daily will help keep your pet healthy and active. It is a great dog to keep as a family pet and is good with children. If you have brought home a basset hound puppy or are planning to bring one, then you must be looking for a name for your new family member. The following list of names will help you christen your little pooch.
Cute Names for Basset Hounds
Cute Female Names | Cute Male Names |
Abbes | Ace |
Alicia | Arthur |
Annabelle | Andy |
Barbie | Artie |
Boots | Bennie |
Binky | Benji |
Brook | Bester |
Betty | Cal |
Bella | Carlton |
Bina | Craig |
Buttercup | Denzel |
Casey Basset | Daniel |
Clara Basset | Davis |
Lennet Basset | Edward |
Andrea | Eertford |
Bobbie | Eagle |
Barbie | Forage |
Bonnie Carmel | Fragment |
Cleopatra | Fraction |
Cotton | Gradient |
Candy | Grafter |
Debbie | Hadrian |
Diamond | Hackle |
Emily | Haggle |
Edith | Infinite |
Florence | Instinct |
Flo | Jackdaw |
Gwen | Kingston |
Grace | Justice |
Gracie | Jacob |
Ida | Ian |
Isis | Jupiter |
Jinx | Kinsman |
Juniper | Kindle |
Jaida | Lancelot |
Jenny | Major |
Juliet | Lancet |
Kenya | Mavellous |
Kosmic | Music |
Kyra | Neptune |
Julia | Nebo |
Lovelace | Osborne |
Lovelock | Monarch |
Lollypop | Oscar |
Lotus | Nutmeg |
Magpie | Officer |
Maiden | Odious |
Mildew | Pander |
Myra | Quester |
Myrtle | Ponder |
Mystery | Quibble |
Mystic | Racer |
Nina | Raymond |
Norah | Rattle |
Opal | Samson |
Opera | Squadron |
Pansy | Sanction |
Pamela | Super |
Quaintness | Supple |
Quality | Tablet |
Rainbow | Trojan |
Raspberry | Trophy |
Redrose | Ulster |
Rita | Umbrage |
Satellite | Ultimate |
Satin | Viceroy |
Susan | Vincey |
Symphony | Umber |
Taffy | Victor |
Tally | Whisperer |
Tamarin | Whistler |
Tangle | Wrangler |
Tickle | Yashmak |
Tidings | Yokel |
Tiffany | Yeoman |
Toffee | Zebra |
Topaz | Zulu |
Twilight | Zorro |
Twinkle | Terry |
Tulip | William |
Unity | Marshall |
Uriel | Kiaran |
Ursula | Duke |
Vera | Victory |
Vapor | Fudge |
Wafer | Mist |
Wisdom | Knowledge |
Zodiac Zenith | Marmalade |
Famous Names
Many celebrities have owned Basset hounds as well. One of them is Marilyn Monroe, who called her dog Hugo. Some other famous fictional names are Axelrod, Cleo, Dog the Dog, Flash, Morgan, Quincy, Sherlock, Henry, Pokey, Sam, Chips, and Socrates.
These were a few names for your new pet dog. Basset hounds are stubborn, but very loving and affectionate. Take good care of your pet and look forward to many memorable moments with him/her.